Nonogram is a very challenging Japanese game in which you must uncover a picture by following the hints provided in the rows and columns. The hints are the amount of blocks of a certain color that every column and row must have. For example, in one column you must paint 3 blocks in green and 15 blocks in red. When you finish filling in blocks (provided you've made no mistake), a picture will be revealed. To paint a block, you must first pick a color by clicking on the corresponding circle on the right and then click on the block you wish to paint. You can also put crosses in the blocks in which you consider to be blank. To unpaint a block, just click on the empty circle and then on the desired block. Your score will be based on the amount of time it takes you to solve the puzzle.
If you manage to solve the puzzle, your score will be shown and you will be able to publish it on three popular social sites or you can also send by email. The game features very simple graphics, nice sounds and suitable music. Luckily, you can mute the music and sounds from the Options menu.
In short, if you are looking for a very challenging puzzle game to keep your mind busy for a long time, Nonogram may be a good choice.